Sunday, August 14, 2005

Initial 5 (Finale?)


CP Kicks Into High Gear

Ah yes the CP… Time is RUNNING out, cash is RUNNING short, and tensions are RUNNING high. But how are the RUNNINGS of the CP preparations going? The Initial has done one last investigation in order to determine the current status of our batch’s brainchild.
According to the Initial’s sources, the word ‘unorthodox’ is definitely first word that comes to one’s mind when referring to the 2005 Cultural Performance. ‘Why?’ one would ask. Well first of all, instead of basing themselves on a familiar, traditional, monotonous and pro adult (above 35 years-old ) storyline, the 8th batch of KYUEM has opted for something fresher, something innovative, something that we teenagers (young adults?) could relate to. The ‘MOVIES’ idea has a few obvious differences that can be spotted by the common KYUEM-ers. For example, instead of the character of Aladdin from the timeless classics category, we, the first-years have opted for the funky green ‘Shrek’ for our protagonist. As a replacement for the evil old witch with the stupid black cat from the black and white movies era, the 8th batch has opted for the asthmatic Darth Vader to lead our antagonist armies. Substituting handsome prince charming for the enigmatic Neo; replacing the iron clad Black Knight with the iron-pressed black suit of Agent Smith, the 8th batch is definitely targeting the younger generation with their eccentric performance. But that doesn’t mean the adults would be pushed aside. No… Familiar characters such as Hang Tuah and Romeo are also present in the list of characters. So adults… Don’t feel left out. We first-years have not forgotten about you all. And best of all, it's free. So Mr. Highton, there is no excuse for you to not be there.

Preparations wise, the Initial believes there is more to be desired. According to the Initial’s interview with one of the staff in the props department, the only material that is currently available to the department is cloth. Other materials such as planks and nails are still in short supply (Or should I say no supply?). The clothing department (Staffed at last! Thankfully) is currently working overtime with ONE sewing machine to meet the dateline. The Initial has also received rumours that a HICOM member has resigned from his post. But despite these setbacks, no matter how chaotic it may seem, spirits are high. Juniors can be seen practicing till late at night; departments working overtime to meet their datelines; and HICOM members can be seen sticking posters of their faces all over the college like they had nothing else better to do. Whatever it is, the Initial would like to pledge it’s full support to the 8th batch, and may your CP be the best ever in college history.

Super Senior Invasion

The appearance of an entire new race of super seniors has left us first-years in awe and to some extent, awkwardness. 'Why?' you ask. For those of you who didn't notice, some of us first-years were moved around like objects among the crowds of seniors and super seniors, proudly displayed like new products of the KYUEM assembly line. There was one instant when one first-year was shown to her so called twin sister super senior. Of course, this was followed by denials from both parties and echoes of laughter in the cafeteria. Why are the seniors doing this to us? After interviewing a few first-years who are taking sociology, the Intial believes that we have finally determined the cause of this uncalled for humiliation of the first-years. It appears that the reason that they are doing this is because the seniors actually fear the super seniors. Despite the smiles and the jokes that are exchanged among them, the seniors are terrified of this new race, for only they know the past stupidities of our seniors. Imagine the uncensored histories of our seniors that these new beings can tell us if they were not so preoccupied laughing at us. Imagine the sheer humiliation of our seniors when we, the first-years finally find out the truth of their hidden past. Oh the knowledge that these new beings can bestow upon us is just unimaginable. And yet this is just the first wave. Think of the enlightenment that we first-years would recieve when the full-scale invasion arrives. Imagine the tools can these super seniors give us that can be of use to our never-ending quest to humiliate our seniors. So what are you first-years waiting for? Get rid of the middle men and start digging for info!

Sad Departure

The Initial is sad to report that this would be our last edition on veritas online. This is caused by the fact that our writer, editor, and sole source in KYUEM has been transferred out of the college. The Initial hopes that Nighteyes and Nicholas would keep Rommel’s name on veritas online should he decide to write again. However, the Initial would also like to remind all KYUEM-ers to catch the first and last hard copy edition of the Initial in the next issue of Veritas. Don’t miss it.

Till the Initials’ next beginning, may the Cultural Performance be the first of a long line of other great achievements that the 8th batch of KYUEM would accomplish. And may Mr. Highton be fortunate enough to get some money from his wife.


Sunday, August 07, 2005

Smoke Gets In Your Eyes

An astute personal comment by Mr Small (certainly meant as a joke) yesterday hit home - "Why is it that with so many medics in this college, we haven't called off the KYUEM-KMB basketball match in open air?"

Haze levels in college are gradually escalating, and surprisingly enough, this has not been followed by a corresponding increase in the numbers of people hiding in the RC or other locations that resemble a war bunker in college. 5 students leaving Chemistry class just now were seen with books on their faces, looking as if they had just witnessed a particularly gory dissection.

Many students have lost their taste for standing in the middle of Saad Square so the college population can spot them, instead preferring to congregate at the Notice Board. Notice how something as simple as a health problem can change the migratory patterns of human beings. An added plus point, at least for the girls, was that there were less predatory males lurking in the Notice Board area, ostensibly hiding in the Cafe in an effort to preserve their potency.

KYUEM-KMB Friendly Report

KMB swept all the titles on offer save two, with their basketball and badminton teams whitewashing the hapless KYUEM-ians. To our credit, we lost by the most slender of margins - needing merely 1 more game to win the badminton team event, while in male basketball, to the voodoo-like accompaniment of Hizami and team's cheers, we set the pace of the match. Sadly, a minor lapse in the last minute gifted them a shot - and they took it, winning in style, with 1 point to spare.

On the bright side, we have the best table tennis and junior basketballers this side of the straight A scorer fence - our table tennis team devouring all the medals, led by Nathaniel. Our junior b-ball was just magic - Snoopy scored like a dartboard, racking up a point total in the fifties, while everyone else just melted into one harmonious, fluid motion, winning us the game.

And of course, we have the scoop on a Day in the Life (or more accurately titled "An Attempt To Live") in KMB, coming soon to an Iqbal near you.


Thursday, August 04, 2005


Good days are here..again we get to show the citizens of KMB around the bird cage with gold bars we call KYUEM. They are here for another (hopefully) friendly match, last we heard, a table tennis, basketball, football and badminton tourney. Many are looking forward to catching up with their old friends, comparing cleanliness levels of Dining Hall trays (which I agree is one of our little plus points), airconditioning or lack thereof in common rooms, and many other niggling details that we, at KYUEM, so often take for granted.

Personal Statement Season

An sudden influx of seniors jostling for use of the IT Labs has coincided with an equally unsettling increase in the number of Computing classes taking seems a popular choice among the juniors (God bless their poor projects.) IT Lab 1 printer is still behaving like a spoilt child - but then, many of our students do the same, especially when confronted with said printer. It is not uncommon to hear students mutter under their breath when the printer starts spewing out rubbish.

A-Level Results are Here to Stay

Three more days...we seniors wait in trepidation, for the day Matron visits and sales of reasonable lengths of rope go up. The sudden bulge in Biology and Chemistry candidates THIS year means more heartbreak is bound to occur...Rumour had it there was a proposal to put up OUR results on the notice board. Last we heard, the SC, who by no mean coincidence, ARE receiving their results too (results traumatised by, in no particular order, Teachers' Day, College Birthday, Student Dinner, and Awards Day - if YOU think you had it bad, spare a thought for them. We salute you, martyrs.) have shot the propsal down.

RC Cost Cutting?

In a strange twist of policy, the RC has adamantly shut their upper section to users every SINGLE night, for as yet inexplicable reasons. Enquiries with RC staff have failed to elicit a response, but since they DID open it up last night, finally, we take it those mysterious circumstances are no more.

Library Skills Test Records Large No-Show

The number of the students not passing up the Library Skills Test now fills one good piece of A4 paper...attesting to the audacity of today's students. Covering the length and breadth of sponsors (apparently only Bank Negara is not represented - shame on you bankers :-) ), these defaulters have NOT been threatened with the good old visit to Puan Rog's office as in previous years. The winds of change?

All I want these winds of change to do is to blow away the haze that has enveloped this college for the past 1 week, preventing me from reading the HIGHLY controversial Veritas notice on the board.

Heh. Now you'll drop everything and dash off to squint at it, eh?

Malaysians are so predictable.

Gotta run fellas, I've gotta go read the notice board.


Wednesday, August 03, 2005


EDITOR: Iqbal of Nighteyes fame
SUBEDITOR: Ashraff of Kuching fame
Natasia of...Kuching rocks!
SECRETARY: Acap @ Ashraff of Ipoh fame
PRODUCTION: Maryam Melissa Punithaa, Noreen, Hannah, Dickson
DISTRIBUTION: Hamzah and Crew of Thugs

Good luck, and remember, keep the ROTFL up.


Of Mice And Men

College is fast turning into a fast-moving blur, eerily reminiscent of the proverbil bright light in near-death experiences, for seniors. Seniors eavesdr...I mean the notice board today Wednesday are torn between THREE activities at 4.15pm - the Medical Forums (and just in case there was enough room in your sanity to make another choice, there were TWO to choose from - AIDS and Abortion), Thinking Skills class, the Yearbook Committee meeting...and that's ONLY the plum jobs. Imagine the Marbles Club and Mongolian Cultural Club meetings that must have been scuttled in the overwhelming light of the above three.

ALL IMAGES syndicated from the GRAPHICS WHIZ (cue ephemeral, god-like music) who is employed by 8th Batch KYUEM. We will certainly endaveour to buy out the remaining 1 year 11 months of his contract.

CP is, incidentally, moving at breakneck speed - barely three days after the script was finally approved by the Inner Sanctum, they have a SCRIPT. And a junior batch meeting is ongoing as I speak. Topaz's astute choice of selling Dunkin Donuts in front of the Notice Board ensured all juniors knew about it. Which, funnily enough, does explain why they sold out so fast.

Pet families are certainly the major beneficiaries of this blatant attempt to poison future world leaders - Topaz is certainly making a killing from the many pet parents who are putting in that little extra effort to keep the family alive. To these pet parents, a pat on the head. To the others, shame on you, a junior spirit is dying every day, a junior heart is breaking because of your negligence.

Elocution Contest

In conjunction with IAW, for the first time, elocution on...what else..."Akhlak, the Flower of Morality of Life" - the theme of IAW - was held, with distinct male and female categories again, ostensibly so the prize money budget can escalate out of control. Due to my obvious inability (and obvious desire) to cover the female event, I shall make do with relating the male show...which, we hear, was stolen by Diamond Shahril (spelling? So sue me.). Topaz Amirul, as the audience put it, was "good and reticent" while Sapphire Hamzah was "fluent". Any Garnetors (OOPS, TIM) on the editorial board who wish to spring to your house defence, please.

Overall, it's been a good three days, except for a few frazzled members of the JPA party commitee (don't recall US working so hard when we were juniors) whose sole purpose in an imperfect life is to put up notices for JPA subcom meetings.

JPA SUBCOMS? Heck, even the SC doesn't have subcoms. Good work though, juniors, and may we expect a blast...hopefully not from the past...this coming Tuesday, 9 August, where, we hope, flour will flow free.

Till then, here's to another lifespan-shortening day in KYUEM.


Tuesday, August 02, 2005

The Initial 4 EVA!!!


Islamic Aspiration Week

Ah yes... the islamic aspiration week... A week where we reflect upon the noble values of of Islam... A week where we ponder upon the guiding light that is the quran and hadith... A week where we search the Internet for the meaning of akhlaq... A week where we wear our long lost tudungs... The opening ceremony was advertised thoroughly on every chalet door. However, judging by the empty seats, the turnout was less than expected. Apparently, the average KYUEM student usually blinks the very millisecond his eyes are pointed towards the chalet door. Thus explaining the lack of attendance that night. But the attendance aside, the opening ceremony was quite nice. It started of with a Quran recital. I, being unable to understand a single recited word, had reverted to admiring the magnificently decorated stage. The recital was followed by a speech by Mr. Small, who talked a whole lot about tolerance, understanding, and other stuff that you would usually hear from today’s politicians. Please note that Mr. Small too had praised the decorations. So people in the stage deco department, give yourself a pat on the back. You all deserve it. Next up was the airing of a particularly catchy tune. The song was about the importance of one’s mother in one’s life. In fact the song’s still in my head. Talk about ‘WHO’S NEXT’ huh?! No seriously, it’s a nice song. Can’t remember the title though. Next up was the silat. But then it was abruptly canceled. A cloud of dismay filled the hall. Obviously, a lot of people (including me) were looking forward to it. Thankfully it came back at the end of the ceremony. Talk about suspense. Then came the Islamic Quiz. The word ‘Alhamdulillah’ had obviously replaced clapping as the form of cheering that night. The eventual winner was the Topaz team. So to all three contestants from the house of black, the Initial would like to congratulate you on your win. All in all, it was a good show. Quite enjoyable and somewhat funny. The Initial is expecting the same, if not better for the closing ceremony next week.

Veritas, elected and ready

Hooraa!!! The dear writers of the college magazine have elected the new committee members for its small little guild. Our new boss is none other than the GREAT Iqbal. The Initial would like to congratulate him on his election; and convey our deepest regret for all the hours of sleep that he would lose because of this. Apart from that, the Initial also hopes that the newly appointed director would consider giving the Initial extra columns on the upcoming Veritas magazine.

Until the initial’s next beginning, may you discover the true meaning of akhlaq in yourself, and not from Google, Yahoo, Dogpile, and or Ask Jeeves.


Monday, August 01, 2005

Rotaract Installation - Egyptian Aura

Rotaract Club installations are always highlights on the school social calendar...but of course, "school social calendar"'s an oxymoron. Oh well. Rotaract is a pretty active little beehive of community service - you can tell us apart by the halos circling our heads - having done 5 major good works last semester, barely 2 months after our Board's installation...and we felt it was time to paaaartaaay.

TIME STAMP: 2PM Holiday Villa Subang Jaya was trampled flat by 30 students in varying degrees of flashy clothing - some with flashy dance moves to boot. Five students (I shall REFRAIN from calling us, legal adults, "students" from now), a little on the glum side, were transporting what looked like...a coffin. Commissioned by Nicholas, Jhuen Ri, Punithaa and team, it is still one of the architectural wonders of our fledgling college. If anyone detected the faint whiff of turmeric powder in the ballroom...well, you see, we ran out of paint, so...'Nuff much said.

TIME STAMP: 3PM To ominous, Egyptian music, a mummy staggered out of the coffin, tore off his face wrapping to reveal poor Nath...and co-emceed with Nat. Nat Senior and Nat Junior, anyone? Or Nat Dashing and Nat Pretty? (Editor: That's enough ass-wiping for a day. Save your extravagance for Avinder.) Oooh...Avinder, President-Elect, dazzled in a (rumoured to be) custom tailored Cleopatra outfit...while on the male front, Sit showed up as an Arab sheikh. Needless to say, both bagged the Best Costume award...only to hand it over to Mrs Foord and a Rotaract Club of Bangsar rep.

Speeches, the bane of the idyllic teenage existence, was followed by a video - an outrageous distortion of the Board's roles...all members were given a sinister twist, the storyboard revolving round the abuse (and abusers) of Egyptian pyramid workers. You'd have thought, working in what was then the tallest building in the world, there'd be some benefits. Oh well, the view comes with a price.

Avinder, new President, was installed by Belinda, outgoing President, in a ceremony steeped with tradition - the regalia solemnly placed round her neck, and a complimentary hug. When t was Avin's turn to install US board members, she passed on the favour. Mmm. Nath and Nat were, as usual, resplendent in delivery, considering Nat had had barely an hour of preparation.

Later...the high tea...a distinctly aquatic touch. A quantity of (admittedly heavenly) cakes sufficient to feed a small Pacific island state was carted off thirteen to the dozen even before the poor diarist had had time to sample one. THEN the games. Oooh, these juniors are GOOD. Punithaa and Jhuen Ri led a limbo, won handily by our own SNOOPY!!! while Hannah and Dickson took a game of charades to...highly insane levels. Top of the guffaw list was Kenrick, and later with Aaron's gamely help, acting "porn star". The casual shirt act was just priceless.

Interspersed were Junior and Senior performances..the Seniors going all cosmopolitan, one spirited Jive and a Bhangra capped by Avin and YC's gorgeous salsa steps. The Juniors had their fair share of teary eyed surprises, one "Kau Ilhamku" - is there a college policy it has to be played at college events? - followed by the girls raising the mercury of the dancefloor with a hot, hot number.

Last game...dancing. This time, schadenfraude. Couples were dragged out to dance, often with calamitous results (to them) - who can forget Mr Dant vainly trying to "Shake That Thang" with a bemused Jollivet? Or the Beadsworths frolicking around to "All The Things She Said?"

Then, we have the farewells, and while telephone numbers were exchanged and subsequent secret date locations surreptitiously scribbled on the back of Post-It Notes, the hotel staff discreetly took the decor apart and dimmed the lights.

But nothing could dim the radiance on Avin and Jollivet's face on a job well done...and well attended.
