Tuesday, August 02, 2005

The Initial 4 EVA!!!


Islamic Aspiration Week

Ah yes... the islamic aspiration week... A week where we reflect upon the noble values of of Islam... A week where we ponder upon the guiding light that is the quran and hadith... A week where we search the Internet for the meaning of akhlaq... A week where we wear our long lost tudungs... The opening ceremony was advertised thoroughly on every chalet door. However, judging by the empty seats, the turnout was less than expected. Apparently, the average KYUEM student usually blinks the very millisecond his eyes are pointed towards the chalet door. Thus explaining the lack of attendance that night. But the attendance aside, the opening ceremony was quite nice. It started of with a Quran recital. I, being unable to understand a single recited word, had reverted to admiring the magnificently decorated stage. The recital was followed by a speech by Mr. Small, who talked a whole lot about tolerance, understanding, and other stuff that you would usually hear from today’s politicians. Please note that Mr. Small too had praised the decorations. So people in the stage deco department, give yourself a pat on the back. You all deserve it. Next up was the airing of a particularly catchy tune. The song was about the importance of one’s mother in one’s life. In fact the song’s still in my head. Talk about ‘WHO’S NEXT’ huh?! No seriously, it’s a nice song. Can’t remember the title though. Next up was the silat. But then it was abruptly canceled. A cloud of dismay filled the hall. Obviously, a lot of people (including me) were looking forward to it. Thankfully it came back at the end of the ceremony. Talk about suspense. Then came the Islamic Quiz. The word ‘Alhamdulillah’ had obviously replaced clapping as the form of cheering that night. The eventual winner was the Topaz team. So to all three contestants from the house of black, the Initial would like to congratulate you on your win. All in all, it was a good show. Quite enjoyable and somewhat funny. The Initial is expecting the same, if not better for the closing ceremony next week.

Veritas, elected and ready

Hooraa!!! The dear writers of the college magazine have elected the new committee members for its small little guild. Our new boss is none other than the GREAT Iqbal. The Initial would like to congratulate him on his election; and convey our deepest regret for all the hours of sleep that he would lose because of this. Apart from that, the Initial also hopes that the newly appointed director would consider giving the Initial extra columns on the upcoming Veritas magazine.

Until the initial’s next beginning, may you discover the true meaning of akhlaq in yourself, and not from Google, Yahoo, Dogpile, and or Ask Jeeves.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think ur being a bit unfair on the thing about taking the definition of akhlaq from the internet. obviously you need to refer to the professional definition of the word in the internet in order to grasp the meaning that could be conveyed to all. And obviously akhlaq is from within and of course they could have present what they feel about akhlak and how they see akhlaq through their eyes, but for the message to reach across, u need general term, hence, u use the internet. duh.

8:39 AM


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