Sunday, March 13, 2005

God, Gore and Glory

The FIRST ever KYUEM Invitational Rugby Tournament, another successful project spearheaded by our newly elected SC Vice President Mohd Syahirul Syafiq @ Nic-O, his less tonguetwisting moniker. Held in UKM Bangi from Friday to Saturday, 25-27 February 2004, it was a massive organizational success. Imagine handling 17 bawling school and college rugby teams, divvied up among 3 fields, and you have a huge mathematical, logistics, and willpower nightmare.

Veritas observers who were sent down to the field, at great personal experience, found no hitches in the 50 minutes we were there. All departments were apparently expertly manned by Joey on the Megaphone, with Hana and Adilah bustling around him as needed. Rgen seemed to have his hands tied up with Hazwan's (not literally, if you know what I mean) with the food arrangements, while one field away at the first aid cum free drinks cum T-shirt counter, a huddle of pretty girls were flaunting their stuff. I mean stuff.

Liz and Nabila were the 100 Plus (Official Sponsors) models for the event, while many nameless, faceless people who were nevertheless equally, if not more important, contributors manned every imaginable station and position, with a generous supply of walkie-talkies, to ensure smooth running.

Results: For the Cup final, Bandar Penawar Sports School beat Politeknik Shah Alam, while for the Plate final, KMB edged our favourite rugby team KYUEM (the college formerly known as KMYS, which in turn was formerly known as KMYS). Credit to the rugby team for finishing credibly - more credit to the organizing committee for making KYUEM a formidable name in rugby tournaments.



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