Thursday, February 03, 2005

SC Elections: One Step Closer

Veritas Media Inc. has come to a complete standstill. To clarify any nagging doubts, we, sorry to say, do NOT know the SC election winners AND will find out at the same time as you, the discerning voter, do. Well, since I'm sitting in the front row, the speed of sound being 300 ms-1, I'll get the news roughly 2 milliseconds before half the college does. Complete calculations here.

Now for the obligatory public service announcement issued by all self-respecting media in the world in the wake of a successful election. Students, respect your victors, for though they may not have garnered your vote, 200 other people do not think so. A true democracy is not about having a lineup you want swept to power; what makes democracy shine is when you are able to devote equal respect to a lineup against your wishes.

We respect the choice of the electorate, and salute all the candidates for having bared their souls to public scrutiny. That's courage for you, and in return, we the voters should demonstrate equal helpings of courage. By respecting those who will hold court over us this year, irrespective of who they are or what they represent.

Remember the voters, O Ye Lofty Victors, for you were once part of us. You may have been gifted your post by sheer circumstances, but our cooperation is earned, not gifted. Remember, we determine the number of pages you will occupy in the annals of college history.

Good luck, and may the best man, or woman, or any gender shades in between, win.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nicholas!! Who do you actually mean by saying any gander that shades in between?

8:12 PM


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