Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Interviews With The Candidates! Part One

Short Interview with Amir, Candidate for Male Vice Prez

By Muhammad Iqbal

While some of the candidates were approached pre-manifesto night, I only had the opportunity to interview Amir after due to the fact that I spent the evening writing *censored*. So anyway, wouldn’t wanna bore you with the details of what *I* did, so let’s just move on to Amir!

Bal: Wonderful wonderful speech back there Amir.

Amir: Why thank you. (grins)

Bal: In your speech, you mentioned Ipoh a lot. You’re quite high on Ipoh aren’t you? Don’t you think KL-ians will be offended?

Amir: Well, Ipoh is a great, great city where we can find cultural integration. Things are just so harmonious there that I can’t help but want to bring that here. It’s where I grew up. But I’ve been to KL, and I’ve been around. Most KL people haven’t been to Ipoh. I think I can be the best of both worlds.

Bal: In your speech you mentioned that you wanted not to ‘Westernize’ us but instead make us true Malaysians. Then why didn’t you make your speech in Malay? Shazli did.

Amir: Not speaking Malay doesn’t make you not a Malaysian. Being a Malaysian isn’t about the language- but the pride and the mentality.

Bal: Ah, yes. So you also mentioned CP in your manifesto. Everyone knows you were the director. And everyone’s had their views on it. Some negative, some positive. What did you think of it?

Amir: Personally, I think it was great. It was fun getting to know and work with so many people. Even if some seniors did slam it, I say it was great for the experience of it.

Bal: To each his own. I think the CP was fun too. The *script* was awesome. Oh yeah, last question- did you write that wonderful, heartfelt manifesto speech yourself?

Amir: Oh no, I didn’t. I had help- from people who I won’t disclose.

Bal: Thank you for your time. (huge grin)

And that was all the time I had for, as I had food waiting for me at a then-closing cafeteria. I’m sure Amir had spoken enough about himself during the manifesto, so I didn’t really have that much questions left to ask. Meanwhile Amir was yanked away by his supporters, leading him on to God-knows where. Now I can only hope that Oz covers Shazli and Punit corners Bazli…



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