Monday, January 23, 2006

The Initial Resurrection

The Initial

Initial Apologies

To the loyal readers of this blog.. The Initial sincerely apologizes for the blog's recent inactivity. It is an unforgivable crime to keep the readers of this blog from acquiring day-to-day info on their beloved alma-matter...

However, the Initial would like the dear readers to not forget Heza Dodo's Law of Inactivity. What is this Law you might ask.. Well, this is actually a law tht was discovered by Rommel's chemistry professor here in the states on the 20th of Jan 2006. The law states that the level of activity in a group is inversely proprtional to the number of people in the group. For example, on 20th Jan, the chemistry class was split into two groups consisting of 8 people. According to Heza Dodo's Law of Inactivity, the level of activity and productivity displayed by any particular member of the group would be 1/8 of the level that you would get if they were to work alone. This theory was proven correct for this particular case as Rommel was caught surfing the web 10 minutes after the groups were assigned. The same law can be applied here. Because of the 600% increase of writers for the blog, we now have a 600% decrease in productivity. And this Law (disregarding other factors that may play a part) thus pseudo-explains the recent lack of blog updates.

Initial update

As the title may suggest, this is just an initial perspective of the current events in KYUEM. The Initial is reporting this based on rumors from the word of its sources. The initial does not have actual witnesses to the events at hand. Reader discretion is advised.

SC Stress Cumulating

The SC nominations are in. Though not thoroughly sure of the actual nominees, the Initial has managed to determine the top players of the election.

*drum rolls* And the nominees are:
President: Adam & Aqtar
VP: Amir?, n some othr people... sorry....
Kauthar, Jhuen Ri, Natasia

*Drum rolls end.*

Yeah thats all the initial knows. Pathetic isn't it... The Intial hopes that other members of the Veritas Online team would provide the readers with additional info on the SC elections


The Islamic Cultural and Arts Night is coming up. The event promises to be very interesting indeed. The Initial has also learned that students are loosing sleep again because of this. And that it is going to be held at night. Yeah, that's all folks. Once again, The Initial hopes that other members of the Veritas Online team would provide the readers with additional info on ICAN.

Zombie Attack

The Initial has also received reports that KYUEM was attacked by a horde of rotting cadavers. The attack was rumored to have taken place on the night of the 19th of January. It seems that the student body has suffered 3 casualties of whose identities still cannot be determined by the Initial. It was also reported that the marauding zombies were finally stopped by a certain individual called Ahmad Dhiyauddeen b. Abdul Shukor. The method of slaying is still unknown to the Initial. The only thing that the Initial can confirm is that the food served at the Dining Hall recently have smells very much similar to the corpses of the living dead. Again, the Initial would like to advise that the reader practice discretion when reading this post as the Initial cannot fully determine the actual validity of these events. The Initial hopes that other members of the Veritas Online team would provide the readers with additional info on the Zombie attack.

Until the Initial's next beginning, may you find truth in the articles you read.



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