Friday, October 28, 2005

Horror! Tragedy!

The entire college went numb with grief earlier today, as rain delayed the already twice-delayed gotong-royong event which everyone has been looking forward to. The event, which was originally supposed to be last Friday, was cancelled at the last minute today at 2.30 with everyone gathered at the foyer, pumped up and eager to start cleaning up the parts of the college which were suspected to be prime Aedes mosquito breeding grounds. With the tools gathered and the students ready, in the end it started raining. As Hizami announced that the event would be postponed, there was an air of sadness as all present wallowed in grief...for about two seconds before they started heading back to their chalets.

'Disappointed, just disappointed' says Ashraff, a junior Garnetor. 'I was looking forward to this, but then there's nothing to do. God wants us to rest in our chalets today. At least if do this after break, us Muslims won't be fasting and we should be able to work twice as efficiently.'

With the college closing tomorrow for the much-anticipated Raya break, the 'raya' spirit is already in the air. Teachers are handing out homework, students are skipping class to avoid recieving homework (or in the seniors' cases, to prepare for their AS exams), and sounds suspiciously reminiscent of fireworks have been heard coming from the boys' chalets.

So people, have a safe journey home, pack up on all the fat you lost during fasting month with all the rendang and ketupat you can stuff in, then come back in one piece.

Happy holidays!



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