Wednesday, July 20, 2005


Live, hot and eagerly anticipated from the shelves of the Student Council office came the Senior Batch Anniversary...but trust me, seniors stole the show for about as long as it takes to cut a cake. Otherwise, the juniors have SERIOUSLY, TRULY earned our respect.

The batch anniversary is our batch's "trademark new" activites...most batches DO celebrate their anniversaries...but this time...a unique twist ensued. Juniors had a thirty-minute performance lined up for Seniors...and Amir and Farah Syaz, wherever you are, hats off to the two of you for keeping us in stitches, ROTFL, for much longer than that.

We seniors crowded the front stage - with spanking new brown-ish curtains, if I may point out for the benefit of graduated batches - of the GH (still Great Hall, not Graham Hanson) and sang ourselves our birthday was a raucous affair, everyone was enthusing over "batch spirit"...curiously, the scene poignantly reminded me of last year's post-CP lovefest.

THEN we had our...complimentary dinner from the dining hall. The beautiful thing was that it was organized WITHOUT a budget. Next year, if all goes well, Puan Rog promises 2K in the kitty, so breath easy, prospective junior SCs.

Sidebar: This batch is just OOZING with prospective SCs. This is the first batch to FIGHT for the mike during induction; this is the first where Mr Zaidi had to step in to ORDER them to contemplate giving up during Samurai; and this is the first batch where post-Samurai complaints are few and far between. Seems everyone survived it without any scratches...and the quality of the speakers are just pheonomenal.

Of course, this college is not founded on the strength of quality speakers, and some of us can seriously write. Juniors wondering where to sign up for the local chapter of the National Cynics Association, make your enquiries here.

Sidebar over.

Now the main course...the juniors.

Amir, looking good in a jazzy outfit, and Farah Syaz, stunningly attired in black (they ARE a fantastic impression, at least in personality, of Joey and Furbz...oops. sorry, Abby, I of many TKC secrets that will emerge in due time with her juniors here) hosted the event, with a...refreshing...a capella performance by up-and-coming funnyman Seth and Friend. (Sorry Friend. will check what your name is and publish an apology live)

Then...Anak Gembala. The ROTFL WTIMY (with tears in my eyes) high point. A dance, Chua Zie Yang stole the show with his expert manipulation of the Malay womenfolk, while the dances were...shockingly tip-of-the-tongue familiar. After we were done laughing Amir gleefully told us they were all sourced from Batu's morning exercise routines...hilarious.

Next, the shampoo ad. Hosted by Hamzah and Co, we bled tears of hilarity. The two hosts' spot-on, semi-blur delivery, coupled with the many spots of quality acting...their B.U.S.U.K shampoo could, at once, fend would-be rapists off, attract women, kill mosquitoes, and best of all...grow hair. The scene of Seth rising from the toilet bowl with his new mane of hair sticking out of his...uh...rectal destined to become one of the enduring KYUEM memories.

Next, the joke-cum-intellectual-advise session...then the Coooool Kids/Effeminate Male Petronas Ad Parody, helmed by Noreen, Natasia, Hannah and Punithaa (FINALLY some people whose names I all remember) and three of the most menacing looking guys in the batch as the softies...VERY good.

Lastly...they sang us Kau Ilhamku...and vouched with their lives we were their "ilham" applause...then ended with the whole batch on stage with a stirring rendition of their Induction song, "Warisan."

A love song, by the way, but in the heat of the moment, all is secondary to the stark realisation that dawned upon me.

If this is what these kids have planned in 2 days, their CP will be extradionaire. Marvoloso. Fantabulous.

Juniors, you have earned your spurs.



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