Tuesday, February 01, 2005


Manifesto Night II came and went, leaving a student body itching to make their mark on the ballot paper. The significance on this night is not lost on the PEOPLE. TODAY marks a point of transition: the point when the power stops being in the CANDIDATE'S hands and starts being in the PEOPLE'S hands. The candidates, from now on, are at your mercy. Each vote rings true, loud and clear, so DO NOT ABSTAIN. PLEASE TURN OUT. And hell, if they turn out not to fight for your rights...you always have Veritas, little though our credit may be.

BATU: Be grateful to the Lord for the gifts he has given to us. Such were his words, derived from an Arabic saying. His words were of course few and far between, as he sang a song, self-accompanied on guitar, about his childhood and why we should vote for him. It was sincerely a beautiful rendition that left many touched. Famous last words: Vote only the best candidates.

KHAIRIL: Yes, there IS a Khairil, just that it's normally spelt A-C-A-I. Acai ran up the aisle bouncing a ball, skidding to a halt on stage to present his Manifesto. A very polished delivery: he told the students not to vote for the person who's good at sports, BUT the person who can make your sporting experience a success. In his words, he was "ready to korban himself to help KYUEM students." Visionary words indeed, but only time will tell.

UDON: Brought his bag on stage and through a convoluted story told us how it gave him feminine connotations. Simply put - that's immaterial. He will specifically fight for female, and let's hope male, sports rights, judging by the dire lack of female candidates running for Sports Exco. His lofty plans, delivered through PowerPoint, revolved around improving the condition of current facilities and making full use of underutilized courts near female chalets (is that ALL he notices?). Magic words: UNDI UDON.

SIN WEE: John F. Kennedy lent a quote to his campaign: Ask not what your country for you but what you can do for your country. He maintains that his experience as Sports Captain for his school for 2 years has instilled the necessary qualities: facing life challenges and team spirit.



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