Monday, January 17, 2005

interviews, part one of infinity.

Reported by Alicia Goh, Nicholas Pang...

First interviews with candidates and their (surprisingly tiny) entourages outside SC Nomination Room. We cut the video to Pao, an Anwar Ridhwan, Food Exco candidate, supporter: (Gushing) He's sooo responsible and he does a good job! Regarding the inevitable question about what she expected to see on the dining hall menu from now on, she stalled awhile before fish...sick of them. Good luck, Pao, I'm pretty sure you'll be getting lamb chops from now on, won't you?

We also spoke to the highly visible Hizami, who was loitering round the Nomination grounds, presumably to convince all the other candidates to vote for his tie, if not for him. To keep the esteemed college informed, his multi-country tie of the past week has been replaced by a tie sporting a skeleton. Why? He claims it is a symbol of war and death. Right. And he endorses them? His spiel will take a while to perfect. When we interrogated him as to why he was still hanging around, he said he needed a brief breather. Pressed further, he admitted the next two weeks were probably gonna be the hardest 2 weeks of his life. Sure they are, Hizami. After all, presidents come cheaper by the dozen. Seriously, the official Veritas tagline is, the rougher the candidates have it, the better. We want to see who weathers the adversity best. (Shockingly, it MAY be us. Heh heh.)



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